Thursday, August 14, 2014

Beer Trading Made Easy
@BeerExchangeApp, the first web app dedicated to craft beer trading. 

Augusta beer lovers, have you ever wanted to get your hands on a beer made somewhere else in this great country, but is not sold here in Beer Purgatory?

Well, look no further than the online convenience of The Beer Exchange.  BEX is the product of Mark Iafrate from Charlotte, NC.  Mark is also a co-host (and fall guy) on the wildly entertaining Craft Beercast, a weekly podcast out of the Queen City by a bunch of guys who don't know how good they have it. ;-)

But to get back to the topic at hand....  

You live in Augusta, but you really want to try Heady Topper or Pliny the Elder.  Top rated craft beers that you will never see sold here locally, since they are never distributed outside their own region.  BEX will allow you to search out and find other beer lovers around the nation who possess those beers that you desire, and then set up a trade with them.  The only "catch" is that you need to have a beer "For Trade" that the other party is "In Search Of".

For instance, above is an example of a trade of a bottle of Terrapin's White Chocolate Moo-Hoo for a can of Alchemist's Heady Topper.  Not a bad deal, if you ask me.

Again, the "catch" is that you need to have beers that others around the country won't have access to.  Think Terrapin's various Liquid Bliss, Side Project, Wake-n-Bake, or Moo-Hoo releases.  Sweetwater's Dank Tank Series.  Westbrook Mexican Cake.  Three Taverns Quasimodo or Theophan The Recluse.  Well, you get the idea.  To land those "whales" that you would never otherwise get to try, you need to be able to offer something exclusive from our region in return.

BEX's Most Sought After Beers
If this sounds like something you'd might like to try, head over to and sign up.  Then go out and start building your southeastern beer cellar.  Good luck!

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